anxiety: n.1.悬念,挂虑,忧虑。2.切望,渴望。3.【病理学】(精神)不安,苦闷。短语和例子cause sb. much anxiety 使人极不放心。 be all [in great] anxiety 担忧。 feel no anxiety about 对…不愁,不着急[关心]。 give anxiety to 使…担心。 with great anxiety 非常担忧、焦急
The scientists monitored the patients " blood pressure , release of harmful hormones and other measurables that characterize heart failure . an anxiety test was done before and after the session . anxiety scores dropped 24 percent among patients interacting with a dog 研究发现,那些和小狗互动的病人,其焦虑指数下降了24而只有志愿者来访的病人,其焦虑指数只下降了10那些既没有见到志愿者也没见到小狗的病人,其焦虑指数没有发生变化。